Forth Magazine: “Dennis Gray’s Sculptured Images, featured in this issue are subtleand sensual…He is a life artist, helping to reflect and reinvent the experience of human consciousness”.
Dennis Gray has worked as a sculptor for decades. His work featured below includes unique and limited edition pieces, presented in terra cotta, bronze, stainless steel, acrylic, onyx and driftwood. Many of the pieces can be ordered and produced in other mediums or patinas. He also designs one of a kind pieces and can be commissioned for custom work. Please contact Dennis for availability, pricing -which generally ranges from $3,000 to $10,000, or questions you may have or to discuss a custom project.
Other Pieces in Various Materials
(3 Dimensional)
Wall Reliefs
(2 Dimensional)

Meet The Artist: Dennis Gray
Dennis Gray is a Southern California sculptor who blends appreciation of human form with passion for subtle, yet dramatic, presentation in terracotta clay, bronze, acrylic and mixed media. His pieces are influenced by diverse background as a musician, published author and poet, MBA degreed professional & business entrepreneur, classroom educator from elementary grades to university graduates, and journeyer.
Featured Sculptor
Rotary Club of Santa Monica International Wine and Art Festival
Original Sculptures of Dennis Gray
Presented by Classic Artforms Gallery
Sherman Oaks Gallery
Gallery Representation

Available online and in book stores.
Dennis Gray’s Book of Poetry:
Thoughts On Life in Rhyme & Sculpture – End of an Era
The mind of a creative person is a strange one indeed. “Thoughts on Life in Rhyme & Scripture” is a self-analytical look through poetry and verse by Dennis Gray an original, refreshing and sometimes disconcerting look at life by an artist of great insight wit and empathy. With unique and creative verse taking his own way with the English language, “Thoughts” is a choice pick for those seeking an original collection of poetry which meditates on the complexities, joys, and meaning of the wonders and bummers of life. “In My Dreams Tonight”: The power of your aura / Pervades my quietude. / I’ll see you in my dreams tonight / To share this marvelous mood. / Reflecting on my image / Of perfection which surrounds you. / A dreamscape is a perfect place / To appreciate that I found you. / Warmed by rays of sundown, / Envisioning your glistening smile, / Soothed by the tease of evening’s breeze / I’ll see you in a while.
Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA)
Reading at night with a glass of wine. As I read the poetry the words rang home and real. Written to impart wisdom in a style of grace and substance from the words of a poet and artist. I loved it and am re-reading it and will continue to do so.
Ellen Dreksler, Santa Monica, CA
Slice of life poetry.The perfect way to spend a rainy day, with coffee and this book of poems. Inspiring and thought-provoking….
Dee Lisa Gordon, Laguna Niguel, CA
Powerful thoughts and vision. Dennis Gray’s beautiful poetry gives us the inner vision of personal thoughts and introspection
which touches our own sensibilities…making one pause and reflect on what is important,
meaningful and true about our own lives… we are enriched by the images of his powerful sculptures
and this combination creates a book important to read for one’s soul and spirit.
B. Weinstock, New York, New York
Very enjoyable read. Consider the balancing acts of life and ride the ebb and flow softly while engaging your senses in the joy that Mr. Gray presents in pictures and prose.
Maria Citron, Pacific Palisades, CA
Very enjoyable read. Dreams, focus, perspective…The author touched upon many facets of daily life in a very profound way. I enjoyed reading a few poems each day and savoring the words as opposed to devouring it in one evening. I look forward to his next book.
Ramona Cox, Newport, CA
Poetry at its best! Great little book to read in front of a warm fire on a cold winter day. Poems are well written and amusing to read. The photographs that accompany each poem are lovely to look at. Nicely put together! Kudos to Mr. Gray on a great achievement!
Marcia S. Weiss “Poetry Lover” San Francisco, CA